How do I deal with negative energy?
A Transformational Process, where by you notice how receptive you are to your environment and your soul starts to manifest relationships and situations.
One must be open to the idea that every experience in your life and in your reality is a manifestation from your conscious and your unconscious mind, yet they both have one goal, that is to serve your growth at all times.
Really open up to this, it involves surrender and faith. Trust in this idea that every element in your reality is teaching you something beautiful, powerful and expansive.
The individuals who have this particular energy are teaching you something. There is usually a switch. The soul is asking you to be more active, when you have been receptive over time.
Look at it as a receiver; if you are receiving the frequency of your environment and constantly receiving, this can become overwhelming.
You start to shift and transmit your energy outwards, thus there is less space for receiving. It becomes more balanced and you start to transmit and receive at the same time. Once there is that sovereign power that Is accessed within, which is what the real calling is, it is accessed on a continuous level throughout your journey and you then begin to discover more and more of your power.
As you discover more power, these energies become less effective towards you.
Paradoxically you begin to manifest less of it. The natural reaction to difficult people is to push them away, this usually results in more of those difficult people being manifested.
It is a natural human reaction to push when something difficult approaches us. In a world of separation, it seems natural. However on a spiritual level, there is no separation, there is an interconnectedness between all things. The elements which are calling for the most attention are the elements which are the closest towards you in your reality. This does not mean you need to look for drama inside of you internally. It is more about the reaction to the drama.
What is it asking of you in this situation. To rise up? For your voice? Is there something that needs to be spoken about?
Usually communication dissolves many situations. The ability to communicate a message is often difficult. This is a learning process that will take time, yet the starting step can actually shake the other soul from a loop that they may have been caught up in. Often it can help the other soul by speaking the truth. It is about speaking. Allowing your natural emotions to be allowed to express. If they are allowed to be heard, things start to shift. This is on a deeper spiritual growth basis.
Short term, first monitor your own mental and spiritual health. Is this situation serving me? Is this person serving me? Is this experience serving me? It does not mean that you need to cut them off completely. You need to ensure that your optimum levels of health in these areas are being manifested. If you are drained by environments or situations, they need to be equally balanced in order for you to feel full. The fuller that you feel, the more you will be able to handle those situation and the less they will affect you.
However, one must remember that they are always carrying a message.
What is the message? What is happening here? Because if you can discover the message, you can actually liberate yourself from a story. A story that is trying to be heard by yourself, from your own reality, your own consciousness.
This is where it comes down to this idea of separation and interconnection. Once you understand on a deeper or higher level that this person, who is the most difficult, is a secret kindred soul, with a message, with treasure, trying to help you. Once you discover that the message beneath all of that is they are carrying something that is a catalyst for you, that can truly help you. They are trying to liberate you without them even knowing how or why. So it is looking beyond the difficulties and looking at this at soul level and seeing the connection between you both. Treating them less as a group, but more on an individual basis. Because the more you group, the harder it is to treat them as a soul who has an experience.
In the mirror effect of what is happening, are you treating your self with care, love, a deeper love? Because you are recognising what you actually are should be honoured with everything you are experiencing and all that you are feeling.