

Not always peaceful. The nature of relationships. They are incredibly transformative. It is essentially a mirror. A mirror of the light and the dark and so the shadow reflections which emerge are beautiful opportunities to transform oneself because if there is a pattern of moving away from this shadow because it is too much to see and it is a repetitive shadow, it will.

Keep returning in one form or another  because essentially it is a reflection  if the hurt child within seeking to be heard by you. It is nothing to do with the other Individual. It is about soul integration. 

On another level, if there are unhealthy relationships or situations which create intoxicity. Ongoing disharmony which cannot be resolved.

It is important  to ask, why am I here, how is this serving  me? Am I remaining in this toxic unhealthy situation? 

For healers, holding space, this can be even more difficult because the healer within may wish to heal everything externally. And forget about the human aspect which is always authentically expressing. But you have to be aware of this spiritual bypass the bypass human emotions in favour of what is most spiritual and most aligned. Human emotions never lie. If there are feelings occurring, they are occurring for a reason and they are valid. 

So interpersonal relationships it is important to ensure that they are serving. That they are providing a genuine relationship. Remember they are beautiful, blossoming and challenging. A true connection with another souls will always be. That soul wishes you to grow and it is mirroring back to you, you. You have more connection with that soul than you may feel in that moment, in that rejection through the shadow.

Your intuition. Which direction to take…

See whether this is a repetitive pattern, it is being asked to be addressed. You can see whether authentic communication works. This will empower you to your own truth  and challenge you out of your comfort zone. It will inevitably lead you to transformation. This is about you and how you want to approach reality. And bringing things out into the open is the difference between unconscious passive behaviour  and liberating yourself from having these internal conflicts. 

As you experience this in your life which will keep emerging in your life with your closest relationships. 

Caution: only surrounding yourself with those you desire and who agree with you on every level . But is that sustainable? Is that what your soul wants?

Your soul wants genuine connections. Authentic and honest and open. 

You’re training yourself in uncovering that from within. 

Difficulty arises when the connections don’t seem to fit in. 

So ask is this serving me and can I have an authentic relationship with this individual? 

This high vibration . It is also difficult to sustain. What is authentically being sought? You must also be of a high vibration. Relax into your true self. Monitor those in your life who are unhealthy. 

It is about the individual experience you are having in this moment. 

Charlotte Byrom