The Eyes are the Windows to your Soul
The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye.
I have always been intrigued, and often mesmerized by the profundity of the eye, not only in humans, but in animals as well. In every moment that I allowed myself, or even forced myself, to stare into someone’s eyes, I’ve experienced something extraordinary.
On some level, we’ve all had an experience where we’ve connected deeply with a person or animal because we allowed ourselves to linger, if only for a moment, in an interlocked gaze from our soul to another by staring into another’s eyes. It allows for connection on a level that often goes far beyond our comfort zone.
“The eyes are the windows to your soul.” – William Shakespeare
They’re also the doors. When we walk inside, we enter another’s house. We gain access to their rooms, the closets, the places where they cleanse, purify. And depending on how comfortable the host becomes with us, these rooms will be unlocked so we can walk seamlessly. Open access to another’s inner world is developed through trust. At the highest trust level, we’re given a key to enter and leave as we please.
When we want to see deeply into the heart and mind of another person, soul seeing, also called soul gazing, allows us to see their soul. The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions. Through a simple art that involves looking deeply into a partner's eyes, soul seeing can show you a person's inner beauty that you might otherwise miss. It is possible for someone who appears cold to have a warm, giving, nurturing soul or someone of average appearance to have a beautiful soul. Soul seeing is a way of looking past shapes, sizes, attitudes, and behaviour to see the real individual that lies beneath the surface. It allows you to see the true essence of another person, the radiance of their being, and their spirit within.
To make eye contact is to be ‘seen’. It takes vulnerability to really look and it takes vulnerability to allow yourself to be seen. How often do you truly feel ‘seen’ by work colleagues, health practitioners, loved ones, family, friends and the world? We often feel like we don’t belong in the world because no one seems to be able to truly ‘see’ us. To be seen we must find courage in the vulnerability to look.
Eye contact is an acknowledgement of connection. At the deepest level we yearn for connection. Feeling truly connected with those around you is symbolic of the connection and comfort you feel within yourself
The eyes truly are the Windows to the Soul.
That’s why it’s so hard to stare someone down. When they are gazing at you, and you are gazing back, the energy can get so intense that someone–and quickly–is likely to back down and divert their eyes.
Looking into a stranger’s eyes can incite crazy vulnerability in many of us. I mean, what can they see when they look in my eyes? Can they see my pain? My past? My weakness? All of our trials, tribulations and glory can be found in our eyes. Focusing on another’s eyes allows us to determine on, almost immediately, what kind of person they are.
As you awaken, it’s a great gift to give your soul to another in service. This means that you will allow them to unconsciously survey your eyes, and determine how trustworthy, how kind, and how compassionate you are.
You’ll be staring into more eyes. You will face possible judgment. Are you okay with that? Do you have things in there that you don’t want another to see?
Another’s eyes who can pierce right into your soul is at the same time amazing and frightening.
You are communicating with your eyes and they are connecting you two on a whole new level.
You feel like you’ve met each other somewhere else, at another time or in another place.
It is like you two recognise one another, even though you’ve actually never met before.
The fact is that you and their soul have known each other in one of your past lives.
So, even though you don’t remember this person, your soul does and consequently, it causes a reaction in your body.
The truth is that their eyes can look right through yours. They can see each layer of your personality and have the ability to look into your every fear, every thought and every little spark of happiness.
It is in their eyes that their magic resides.
All of us experience turbulent events in a different manner and meeting your soulmate or twin flame is definitely one of those events which leave a permanent mark on our lives.
Upon looking into their eyes, you might start feeling a bit nostalgic.
You can’t explain this but it’s like you’re experiencing déjà vu, you’ve seen those eyes somewhere before and you’ve known them forever.
It is as if they have been looking at you for a long time and like they know you better than you know yourself.
You might even get flashbacks and start to feel like you have already loved them in a past life.
You understand each other, even though you’ve just met.
The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.
And here’s the great thing about eyes: even if people don’t want you to know how they feel, they can’t change how their eyes behave.
Our eyes don’t lie: they’re windows to the soul. They show the truth, no matter what face we put on, in any situation. The best way to get to know someone is to look them in the eyes and observe what they reveal about their emotional state.
Our eyes, just like our body language, give us away, and they say more than we ever could with words. As a matter of fact, most of the information we convey is through nonverbal language, which ranges from simple looks to all of the movements we make.
Many studies have shown that when we meet someone for the first time, our eyes can convey a wide range of feelings: trust or distrust, security, contentment, fear, etc. We know this is true because it happens every day: it’s as if we were capable of transcending our bodily limits and reaching their soul through their eyes.
Some experts, whose jobs require them to study faces, have observed that eyes are the window to the soul because they’re the most sincere part of the face. We don’t have any control over our eyes, as opposed to the mouth, for example. When you like something, your pupils dilate involuntarily and give you away, and they contract as a sign of rejection.
Pupil Dilation. Our pupils respond when we enjoy who or what we see. The eyes in this state subtly become more attractive.
Mutual Gazing. Looking into the eyes can transform into gazing, which involves the facial features and emotions to produce a doting look, also enhancing appeal.
Attunement. Physically and energetically, we resonate with the other person. This raises our attention levels (we want to know more about the person). We begin matching their body language (mirroring). The desire to close distance increases (we find ways to touch).
Fear. Fear of the unknown, the unexpected. Personal walls come down so there is a sense of vulnerability, that this person “sees me” and there is no turning back, no shield to protect. By lowering the walls we are more susceptible to influence and be influenced. Guarding is forced to dissolve.
I love his dear eyes in which the vulnerability and beauty of his soul can be plainly read.
‘I turned to him and stared deeply into his eyes, as he stared deeply into mine. Prior to this moment, we had only exchanged the typical greetings of strangers. Other than knowing his professional career, I didn’t know him at all.
It can be uncomfortable for some, to push through the fear of feeling vulnerable, embarrassed and exposed.
After only a few seconds, I began to see him: the real soul within his human existence. I felt bits of his pain and his joy. His insecurities, his past and his genuine confidence. I felt his apprehension and his letting go. I experienced his emotions in real time, as he navigated this uncomfortable, yet captivating moment of connection.
I felt the ebb and flow as he pulled away and then let go of his inhibitions and allowed himself to connect with my innermost being.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I experienced this deep connection, a stranger. Yet, in this brief moment, I felt more deeply connected to him than many people I have known for ages.
It was a raw, human connection at the soul level. In that brief period, I felt as though I truly experienced a part of his soul. And all I had to do was stare into his eyes and allow myself to be vulnerable, just for a moment.’
Society has become so comfortable with disconnectedness. Our fear of vulnerability and exposure to our innermost feelings has caused us to form habits of disconnection. It’s part of our survival mechanisms. “Don’t get too close, or you might get hurt.” We’ve been conditioned to put up our guard and opt out of deep human connection as a way of protecting ourselves.
Imagine if we spent as much time staring into people’s eyes and truly connecting, as we do staring into our smart phones and laptop screens. Imagine the interconnection that could spawn from allowing ourselves to experience these deeply human moments, with strangers, and with those that are close to us.
I believe empathy is paramount to understanding and positively impacting humanity. I believe that the simple act of connecting with people, through their eyes, may be the window not only to our souls, but also to our ability to empathise on a deeper level.
I encourage you to go beyond sight and to truly connect at a soul level.
Take a moment to connect with someone you love and stare deeply into their eyes. Feel their presence intertwined with your being. Connect. Experience their emotions. Embrace the mystery hiding somewhere between the antipodes of your collective mind.
“The soul can speak through the eyes, and kiss with a look.” - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer