You never fall In love with another person; the other person is only a catalyst and a messenger.
You fall in love with life itself and its staggering possibilities. You sink more deeply into your own sweet presence and the unchanging vastness at the core of your being. And you credit another person or you blame them when you disconnect. But it’s all you and all for you- for your healing and theirs too and the salvation of this world.
It’s a re-discovery of who you truly are beyond the mask, behind the carefully constructed facades, the infinitely creative defenses designed to win you love, or prevent you from losing it - as if love were ever something you could win or lose.
You simply fall INTO love, into your nature, your heart, which is also their heart, because there is no separation in the vastness.
You can shine like the sun. Sometimes others will shine with you or they will not shine; they will seek your shining or fear it; yet you will keep shining anyway for you are in love with the shining itself.