Energy Healing


Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.
— Albert Einstein

What is Energy Healing?

Quantum Physics dictates that everything is energy, and energy is everything.

Consisting of many subtle, interconnected layers of energy, your body is constantly intuiting whether it should be alert and preparing for stress or relaxed, and at peace.  

Most people store their stress in a few specific places within the body. The most common physical and emotional signs signalling to us that we are out of balance are continual aches, discomfort, suffering, exhaustion and a sense of being overwhelmed or lost.

Energy is our life force, if we are to achieve all that we desire then we need to maximise our energy levels. The higher your energy levels, the better you feel and the more likely you are to achieve your results as you will put all your ‘energy’ into it. In Japan, energy is called ‘Ki’, meaning universal life force. Energy constantly flows through our body and in a lot of healing aspects it is seen as moving through the seven energy centres, or our chakras although we do not physically see it.

Energy healing is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. It works directly with the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of well-being. It is used to treat various medical conditions, especially ailments related to mental health.

It addresses the core issue caused due to disturbance of the energy flow in the body.

During a session I will use one or more of these learned natural healing methods, working through the chakra’s and cleansing the energy field. These methods create subtle energetic shifts in every part of the body, empowering people to be responsible for their health and guiding them to connect with their inner, true selves. 

We can all pick up energy blockages throughout life from any number of situations and circumstances. Some might be quite easy to recognise, such as stress from work or a painful relationship for example and others can be more difficult, perhaps childhood issues or trauma that are long past but still affecting your life.

Energy healing as a complimentary therapy, can help remove these blockages of old energy and patterns in your life and allow new energy to flow into your present situation.

I offer range of Natural Medicine Offerings, which can be found here:

Aura Cleansing

The Aura is an energy field that surrounds the body. We are all interconnected and our auras, or the human energy field, constantly interact with the energy field of other beings and the environment. Our energy field is affected by interactions with other beings as well our physical environment - electromagnetic pollution, air quality, water quality, food we eat and also our own emotional state. Just as we take care of our physical body, we need to take care of our energy body on regular basis. 

The Aura can be scanned with a crystal in order to determine the energy blockages and to check for the existence of auric holes which allow the drain of energy from the physical body. Crystals and smudge sticks are used to cleanse and stabilise the Aura.

Healing Energy Boost

A Healing Energy Boost is a unique natural healing method used to instantly boost your energy, which helps to clear your mind; spreading peace and tranquility to every organ, muscle, tissue and cell of your mind, body and spirit. A session lasts approximately 30 minutes with the client seated on a chair and guided by a meditation into a calm and peaceful space. I then tune into the clients energy and rest my hands lightly on their shoulders. During a session, I serve as channel for Reiki to assist the client by placing my hands a few inches above the clients body. I focus on the 7 main chakras and use a variety of Reiki Healing symbols, which are powerful tools for practitioners to focus intention during a session.

The following intentions are focused and manifested during a Healing Energy Boost: Increased Power, Enlightenment, Accelerated healing, Chakra alignment, Protection, Emotional healing, Mental balance, Distant healing (past/present/future), Spiritual connection, Empowerment, Soul healing, Oneness and Grounding.

At the end of a session your energy field is cleansed, balanced and protected. 

Clients reports feeling invigorated, energised and rejuvenated after a Healing Energy Boost. It is the perfect Offering for anyone in need of an instant natural energy boost or a little ‘pick-me-up’.

Space (Home/Business) Clearing and Blessing

Home and business clearings and blessings can remove past energy and allow for a sense of purification and renewal. They’re especially useful at a time of challenge, such as a divorce or break-up, or in anticipation of a welcome change, like the birth of a baby or a new year. Space clearings and blessings can also be performed in a place of business to free up energy for a new start, a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose.

The smudging of homes or places of business can release and clear negative energies from the space. This is a very sacred ritual that takes place and the following may be used; sage, clearing mist, singing bowls, crystal grids, candles, and intuitive guidance.  All supplies that are required for this service are included.


All Offerings are based in South West London or surrounding areas if you would prefer an Offering in the comfort of your own home.


Private session: Healing Energy Boost, 45 minutes: £70

Space (Home/Business) Clearing and Blessing: Maximum 2 hours: £100.00 (after the 2 hours, there is a £50/hour added rate)

If you feel called to spend this time together or require any further information please


The benefits you receive from holistic healing with me can include: 

  • Being you as you are in that moment; feeling seen, heard and understood

  • Mental clarity; calming the mind

  • Deep relaxation of the body; calming of the nervous system

  • Reducing/ releasing pain and suffering on a physical and emotional level

  • Emotional grounding; feeling supported and safe

  • Transmutating blockages presenting in a physical, emotional, mental and energetic way

  • Balancing the energy system (subtle bodies, chakras, meridians, energy lines, yin -feminine and yang -masculine energies) and increasing flow of vital energy

  • Supporting self-healing systems by creating the space for your body’s systems to regain their optimal states

  • Increasing awareness of what well-being and balance means for you

  • Conscious awakening: getting back to being you. Sensing your essence, your truth, your light, your heart

  • Experiencing authentic peace and joy, love for yourself, for others and for life

  • Developing your intuition and being in the flow of Life

  • Learning to respect yourself, to know your limits and to put yourself first

The Science: Quantum Physics: click below to