Important reminders
1. we’re all different people living different lives — each on our own path. how can we compare ourselves? particularly from what we see on a screen? there is so much more beneath the surface... let us appreciate our own unique story. our individuality. ⠀
2. we all move through phases — some phases may be short, some may be long. but nothing is permanent. everything is transient. we can work towards allowing, accepting and flowing through each phase without getting consumed by it. ⠀
3. perspective really is everything. let us be more curious and explore all viewpoints to remind ourselves that our perspective is in fact, just a perspective. we are truly unlimited in our approach to life.⠀⠀
4. ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’ - lao tzu. all we have is our next step, our next choice... which will then lead us to the next. let’s remember to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. no matter how small, each step will move us forward.⠀
5. things don’t always go to plan, or as we’d like them to — that’s inevitable! we always have the choice to complain or step towards courage, to accept and embrace a situation. we can choose to see everything as an opportunity to love, to change, to grow. we can choose to be grateful for everything that is working. and be grateful for what isn’t as well. because whether we know it or not, it is an opportunity, a lesson, a part of our journey.